Geography Insights: US - FT. MYERS - NAPLES

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

91Home Players
279All Players
738Winner WPPRs
4,639Total WPPRs
59Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
18%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
11%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
4%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - FT. MYERS - NAPLES home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - FT. MYERS - NAPLES:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - FT. MYERS - NAPLES:
50272IFPA World Pinball Championship 2022-05 WPPRtunist 144.99 64
49603Asylum's International Elite Thr 2022-05 WPPRtunist 57.79 56
62162Point Monsters Championship 2023-08 Traveler 53.70 81
496026th Annual Pinball Asylum Pin-Go 2022-05 WPPRtunist 45.69 48
62163Point Monsters Championship 2023-08 Traveler 40.78 61
49538Pinball Asylum Match-Play Tourna 2022-05 WPPRtunist 37.66 38
58940The Asylum Inmates Pinball Leagu 2023-12 Local Supporter 35.20 44
42457Point Monsters Championship 2021-08 Traveler 29.23 50
589427th Annual Asylum Pin-Golf Tourn 2023-02 Traveler 27.00 43
48289Point Monsters Championship 2022-03 Traveler 24.67 40
62164The Pinball Asylum's 7th Annual 2023-06 Traveler 24.22 32
60357The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes 2023-05 Traveler 21.94 45
42458Point Monsters Championship 2021-08 Traveler 20.58 35
51134IFPA17: Fair 9 Strikes Knockout 2022-05 WPPRtunist 18.02 22
64409Belles & Chimes-SWFL Chapter at 2023-08 Traveler 17.73 28
48290Point Monsters Championship 2022-03 Traveler 17.67 27
47075The Asylum Inmates Pinball Leagu 2022-12 Local Supporter 15.64 41
442076th Annual PAPA-Style Tournament 2021-09 Traveler 14.24 24
52096The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes 2022-10 Traveler 14.07 29
60356The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes 2023-05 Traveler 13.54 34
52097The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes 2022-10 Traveler 13.10 26
45761The Asylum Inmates Pinball Leagu 2021-12 Local Supporter 11.53 32
44488Nice Guys Pizza 3 Strikes Event 2021-10 Traveler 11.46 25
61497Labor Day Weekend 3-Strike Event 2023-09 Traveler 8.81 24
52646Belles & Chimes-SWFL Chapter at 2022-09 Traveler 7.99 17
53921Belles & Chimes-SWFL Chapter at 2022-10 Mixed Persona 5.92 13
45651Sunshine State Showdown at the P 2022-01 Traveler 5.22 24

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - FT. MYERS - NAPLES:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
90Eric Stone 14 WPPRtunist 444.55 13
71800Vince Gelormine 433 WPPRtunist 194.54 21
34953Shannon Stafford 148 WPPRtunist 180.39 15
12987Sebastian Bobbio 363 WPPRtunist 173.17 13
966Dan Coyle 727 WPPRtunist 132.86 14
615Cayle George 16 WPPRtunist 113.13 1
45Drew Cedolia 126 WPPRtunist 108.60 4
6Jim Belsito 24 WPPRtunist 96.01 1
10Trent Augenstein 63 WPPRtunist 84.25 5
1605Escher Lefkoff 2 WPPRtunist 82.98 1
11977John Delzoppo 34 WPPRtunist 76.99 2
53Andrei Massenkoff 33 WPPRtunist 72.41 1
208Jeff Palmer 1141 WPPRtunist 69.70 8
20058Dr. Frank Sposaro 545 WPPRtunist 66.77 5
61923Frank Fontana 3323 Local Supporter 66.14 18
82704Sierra Lieffort 2028 WPPRtunist 64.25 9
11028Joe Lemire 92 WPPRtunist 63.57 1
166Steven Bowden 10 WPPRtunist 62.25 5
26Jason Werdrick 20 WPPRtunist 62.13 3
16540Phil Grimaldi 226 WPPRtunist 57.18 3
10903Colin MacAlpine 37 WPPRtunist 54.19 2
1Keith Elwin 19 WPPRtunist 49.56 1
37657Markus Virtanen 30 WPPRtunist 46.68 4
94411John Moschella 875 WPPRtunist 43.12 2
74975Brayden Derazza 1127 WPPRtunist 43.04 1
18600Joe Geneau 805 WPPRtunist 42.47 8
47152Jokton Strealy 711 WPPRtunist 41.13 7
60828Adam Gray 1002 WPPRtunist 38.93 8
29954Luke Nahorniak 4 WPPRtunist 38.75 4
23648David Miller FL 1397 WPPRtunist 38.29 14
8565Phil Birnbaum 87 WPPRtunist 38.22 5
21932Peter Andersen 17 WPPRtunist 37.82 3
33082Paul Englert 9 WPPRtunist 36.50 3
14719Ben Moser 154 WPPRtunist 34.75 4
45005Stacey Stafford 1713 WPPRtunist 34.44 15
566John van der Wulp 139 WPPRtunist 33.48 4
1256Daniele Celestino Acciari 7 WPPRtunist 33.28 4
2576Raymond Davidson 8 WPPRtunist 31.05 1
7657Will McKinney 147 WPPRtunist 31.05 1
37655Lewis Bevans 95 WPPRtunist 31.05 1
7740Tony Verzelli 5079 Local Supporter 30.84 12
12276David Denholtz 3029 Traveler 30.36 20
77789Sandra Dodge 2478 WPPRtunist 30.18 14
64907Colton Varnadore 4380 Traveler 30.07 9
49142Tristan Stafford 978 WPPRtunist 28.38 11
64626Gwen Octavia 2959 Traveler 26.60 3
47612Alex Marino 435 WPPRtunist 26.50 3
6630Jack Tadman 29 WPPRtunist 25.92 2
3726Bill Kurtz 3970 Traveler 25.66 5
17616Andrew Alvino 2592 Traveler 25.55 7


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-05-31
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-26

Notes and Acknowledgements