Geography Insights: US - EL PASO (LAS CRUCES)

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

95Home Players
116All Players
44Winner WPPRs
114Total WPPRs
212Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
23%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
11%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
5%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - EL PASO (LAS CRUCES) home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - EL PASO (LAS CRUCES):
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - EL PASO (LAS CRUCES):
64340Rad Retrocade monthly July 2023-07 Mixed Persona 8.00 34
63385Rad Monthly June 23 2023-06 Traveler 5.08 36
64809Belles and Chimes Las Cruces Aug 2023-08 One-Timer 4.91 12
65570Rad Retrocade August 23 2023-08 Traveler 4.48 27
66761Rad Retrocade Sept 2023-09 Traveler 4.09 20
66094Belles & Chimes Las Cruces Septe 2023-09 Local Supporter 3.06 8
67353Casa Pinball October Tournament 2023-10 Traveler 2.61 14
65731Casa Pinball Tournament Septembe 2023-09 Traveler 2.21 14
62230Rad Monthly 2023-05 One-Timer 1.97 26
54163Rad Retrocade October 2022-10 Traveler 1.80 14
61207Foo Fighters Launch Party 2023-04 Traveler 1.74 23
59167Rad Retrocade Season 2 episode 1 2023-02 Traveler 1.23 14
55545Rad Retrocade December 2022-12 Traveler 0.92 10
52451Rad Retrocade August 2022-08 Traveler 0.61 10
49870Rad Retrocade 2022-05 Traveler 0.59 9
60042Rad Retrocade March 23 2023-03 Local Supporter 0.42 15
51011Rad Retrocade June 2022-06 One-Timer 0.21 15

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - EL PASO (LAS CRUCES):
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
59186Jeff Serenka 3998 Traveler 17.41 6
7504Mandy Peel 1627 WPPRtunist 13.78 7
82979Doug McDonald 5903 Traveler 8.88 10
76888Matt Wilson 541 WPPRtunist 8.35 5
106342Brenna Peel 6028 Traveler 4.47 6
90632John Yenshaw 6308 Traveler 4.32 15
92207Natoria Martinez 11943 Local Supporter 4.26 12
104810John Magnusson 10935 Traveler 4.10 3
53242Andrew McFarland 3247 Traveler 4.09 1
100234David Lopez TX 4059 Traveler 4.06 9
88003Steve Howard NM 6155 Traveler 3.76 15
93972Dave Hendrix 10360 Local Supporter 3.14 10
107956Dezz Martin 47820 Local Supporter 2.09 2
106341Joshua Rodriguez 5943 Traveler 2.04 5
103590Brant Goddard 12915 Local Supporter 1.96 5
106343Dominic Peacock 14068 Traveler 1.47 3
92203Lorenzo Nevarez 9684 Local Supporter 1.38 6
90636Debbie Jo Felix 15899 Traveler 1.11 15
10994Greg Taylor 16838 Local Supporter 1.07 3
104806Gary Lane 17179 Local Supporter 1.05 4
103591Anjanette Hendrix 15287 Local Supporter 1.01 7
104334Gable Lopez 13534 Traveler 1.00 4
92210Scott Kuester 21807 Local Supporter 0.97 7
106345Thomas Dixon 14722 Traveler 0.84 3
103589Cyndi Lopez 16882 Local Supporter 0.79 7
104804Norm Lane 12547 Local Supporter 0.77 3
101354Josh Voorhees NM 14125 Local Supporter 0.74 6
92204Curt Kuester 23571 Local Supporter 0.68 7
82980Larry McDonald 2361 WPPRtunist 0.67 2
95801Dustin Wright 8209 Local Supporter 0.66 6
107954Debbie Peel 21247 Local Supporter 0.60 3
71085Ben Cressy 2393 WPPRtunist 0.56 1
107463Ryan Mixon 25964 One-Timer 0.52 1
92206Anthony Esquibel 27347 Local Supporter 0.52 6
101356Daniel Brisco 26329 Local Supporter 0.51 4
101359Will Eyler 24667 Local Supporter 0.49 2
7500Butch Peel 17174 Traveler 0.46 2
101355Stephanie McGillis 21343 Local Supporter 0.46 6
13234Ezra Huscher 11748 Local Supporter 0.46 2
95516Ruth Dove 9951 Traveler 0.43 2
107955Danielle Evans 0 One-Timer 0.40 1
106346Robbie Tafoya 30011 One-Timer 0.32 1
106344Karina Byrd 30010 One-Timer 0.32 1
104807K-La 25442 Local Supporter 0.31 2
103587Jose Luis Solorzano 17817 Local Supporter 0.27 3
108839Kenny Crowe 24842 One-Timer 0.27 1
107464Ruben Arzaga 31914 One-Timer 0.26 1
64521Adam Abeyta 876 WPPRtunist 0.25 1
104809Mike Prinz 35265 One-Timer 0.24 1
48893Nick Schademann 477 WPPRtunist 0.24 1


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-08-31
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-09-27

Notes and Acknowledgements