Geography Insights: US - DALLAS - FT. WORTH

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

558Home Players
1019All Players
2,532Winner WPPRs
20,711Total WPPRs
15Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
16%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
3%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
24%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - DALLAS - FT. WORTH home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - DALLAS - FT. WORTH:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - DALLAS - FT. WORTH:
53173Texas Pinball Festival Wizards T 2023-03 WPPRtunist 142.37 158
66564Texas Pinball Festival Wizards T 2024-03 WPPRtunist 116.16 152
47307Texas Pinball Festival Wizards T 2022-03 WPPRtunist 81.23 156
53174Texas Pinball Festival Classics 2023-03 Traveler 70.34 208
47308Texas Pinball Festival Classics 2022-03 Traveler 65.03 213
591332023 Titan Pinball Southwest Reg 2023-06 Traveler 58.67 86
66567Texas Pinball Festival Classics 2024-03 Traveler 57.19 214
49362Texas Takedown Women's Pinball C 2022-03 Traveler 49.03 64
48628Titan Pinball 2022 Southwest Reg 2022-05 Traveler 47.16 79
53175Texas Takedown Women's Pinball C 2023-03 Traveler 46.59 64
66698Texas Takedown Women's Pinball C 2024-03 Traveler 44.78 66
65444The DFW Pinball League's 2023 Fa 2023-12 Traveler 41.50 38
54216IFPA Texas State Pinball Champio 2023-01 WPPRtunist 32.94 24
60185Texas Pinball League 2023-03 WPPRtunist 31.49 60
66220FPPL Season 11 - North 2023-11 Mixed Persona 28.74 30
542449th Alan Marx Memorial IFPA Pinb 2022-10 Traveler 26.18 43
65819PINBALL-ERS Barry Oursler Memori 2023-09 Traveler 26.02 45
66745The 10th Alan Marx Memorial Pinb 2023-10 Traveler 25.07 40
54946IFPA Texas State Women's Champio 2023-01 Traveler 24.81 16
52795"Barry Oursler Memorial" Labor D 2022-09 Traveler 23.86 49
45961Tournament at the DFW Pinball Le 2021-12 Traveler 23.61 43
42491DFW Pinball League - Summer Even 2021-08 Traveler 22.26 53
50485DFW 2022 Spring/Summer Pinball E 2022-06 Traveler 22.21 44
52127Tournament at DFW 2022 Spring/Su 2022-08 Traveler 22.17 40
52081Tournament at DFW 2022 Spring/Su 2022-07 Traveler 21.53 40
42809DFW Pinball League - Summer 2021 2021-09 Traveler 21.38 46
49885DFW 2022 Spring/Summer Pinball E 2022-05 Traveler 21.29 46
50693DFW 2022 Spring/Summer Pinball E 2022-06 Traveler 21.20 34
55659Tournament at DFW Pinball 2022 F 2022-12 Traveler 21.19 43
65457Tournament at DFW Pinball League 2023-08 Traveler 21.16 38
63749Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Spri 2023-07 Traveler 20.79 32
48758Free Play Pinball Thursday (Flip 2022-03 Traveler 20.78 41
54504Tournament at DFW Pinball 2022 F 2022-11 Traveler 20.06 40
44030DFW Pinball League - Fall 2021 S 2021-10 Traveler 19.97 40
48523TPL Tournament: DFW Qualifier 2022-03 Traveler 19.74 31
48944Free Play Pinball League Season 2022-05 Traveler 19.41 43
49531DFW Pinball 2022 Spring & Summer 2022-08 Traveler 19.29 33
52794DFW 2022 Fall Pinball League 2022-12 Traveler 19.20 30
53123Tournament at DFW Pinball 2022 F 2022-09 Traveler 17.51 31
45151DFW Pinball League - Winter 2021 2021-12 Traveler 17.23 32
48345Rush Pinball Launch / New Owners 2022-02 Traveler 17.08 40
47003Free Play Pinball League Season 2022-03 Mixed Persona 16.89 41
51482DFW 2022 Spring/Summer Pinball E 2022-07 Traveler 16.43 33
66033Tournament at DFW Pinball League 2023-09 Traveler 16.37 33
55159Tournament at DFW Pinball 2022 F 2022-11 Traveler 15.88 27
43576IFPA Event at DFW Pinball League 2021-09 Traveler 15.82 29
64926Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Spri 2023-08 Traveler 14.94 26
66221FPPL - Season 11 - South 2023-11 Mixed Persona 14.80 17
61675Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Spri 2023-05 Traveler 14.76 25
62732Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Spri 2023-06 Traveler 14.73 32

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - DALLAS - FT. WORTH:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
7498Garrett Shahan 105 WPPRtunist 741.83 84
15045Kevin Rodriguez 394 WPPRtunist 597.92 81
922Ken Kemp 448 WPPRtunist 559.58 84
7506Austin Kemp 438 WPPRtunist 360.69 46
164Robert Byers 41 WPPRtunist 321.83 12
7494Keith Shahan 312 WPPRtunist 320.74 59
12235Preston Moncla 377 WPPRtunist 306.51 6
48918David Whitlock 1074 WPPRtunist 271.53 80
2522Andrew Foster 107 WPPRtunist 262.83 7
19034Derek Thomson 43 WPPRtunist 245.06 4
2Bowen Kerins 25 WPPRtunist 225.74 2
63842Warren Joe 1182 WPPRtunist 223.89 26
2576Raymond Davidson 8 WPPRtunist 221.87 4
89201Clark McCoy 429 WPPRtunist 217.04 69
172Mark Beardsley 849 WPPRtunist 213.03 38
10903Colin MacAlpine 37 WPPRtunist 209.04 14
69631Mike Archuleta 1463 WPPRtunist 203.27 91
56861Travis Murie 28 WPPRtunist 202.47 8
166Steven Bowden 10 WPPRtunist 196.09 6
16540Phil Grimaldi 226 WPPRtunist 195.83 7
1605Escher Lefkoff 2 WPPRtunist 181.87 3
65293Wesley Johnson 187 WPPRtunist 180.28 8
10133Chris Geist 820 WPPRtunist 178.26 45
90Eric Stone 14 WPPRtunist 164.05 2
66Donavan Stepp 67 WPPRtunist 158.44 2
60886Jack Revnew 85 WPPRtunist 149.67 8
29141Germain Mariolle 14 WPPRtunist 148.22 4
49567Derek Price 65 WPPRtunist 148.11 4
5668Karl DeAngelo 36 WPPRtunist 147.89 2
23582Ben Clement 114 WPPRtunist 146.83 6
45203Lora Tennison 3375 Traveler 144.12 83
43752Austin Trent 207 WPPRtunist 138.07 9
61006Tom George 1167 WPPRtunist 134.19 50
21700Zachary Parks IL 69 WPPRtunist 125.70 2
19305Louise Wagensonner 335 WPPRtunist 121.71 6
71844Savannah Archuleta 1552 WPPRtunist 120.83 99
414Rick Miller 414 WPPRtunist 118.74 43
2822Mark Pearson 61 WPPRtunist 118.28 4
42999Steve Strom 302 WPPRtunist 117.38 4
45204Tim Tennison 2120 WPPRtunist 117.17 50
3723Bob Matthews 40 WPPRtunist 115.04 8
12829Greg Gibson 901 WPPRtunist 113.48 24
89661Marc Jackson 852 WPPRtunist 110.46 2
72942Chris Musk 2475 WPPRtunist 108.88 61
405Mark Gunter 1867 WPPRtunist 108.78 16
15602Billy Roadifer 3232 Traveler 108.22 30
81575Les Kallestad 2072 WPPRtunist 104.63 30
25752Mark Meserve 246 WPPRtunist 102.92 6
22252Ray Ford 562 WPPRtunist 102.60 9
180Lynn Lyons 1567 WPPRtunist 98.58 22


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-05-31
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-26

Notes and Acknowledgements